he Foreign Affairs Ministry and Integration has served notice that the Passport Office is set to reopen and resume operations on Monday, May 18, 2020.
In a statement copied to GhanaWeb, the Ministry indicated that all the centres across the country will resume operations whereas the online application portal will be open for booking of appointments from Wednesday, May 20, 2020.
The announcement comes on the back of the government’s attempt to ease down economic activities across the country.
The statement, however, indicated that official visitors will be required to comply with the government’s directives to be observed to prevent the Coronavirus.
Some of the directives include;
– Applicants and official visitors alike must wear face masks and have their own personal hand sanitisers before they can be allowed entry into a Passport Application Centre (No face mask, no entry), (No hand sanitiser, no entry.)
-Applicants and official visitors are required to adhere to strict social distancing measures adopted at the PACs and cooperate with officials of the passport office.
-Applicants and official visitors must wash hands their hands at vantage points of the premises before they are allowed into a PAC.
Below is the statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Source: Ghanaweb